Increase your whole day’s productivity with these must to do 6 things in the morning.

Akansha Niranjan
3 min readMay 6, 2021

A bad start to a day can lead to ruin your entire day. Hence, it is important to make your morning fresh and energetic. Making your dawn a pleasant one is like a piece of a cakewalk. You only need to start your day with these 6 things to increase your productivity.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

1. Make your bed

Making your bed after waking up is the first thing you should do. It seems easy, right? Yes, it is so simple and most underrated task. Making your bed gives you the sense of accomplishment of the first task of your day. You will feel proud and confident. It motivates you to do more tasks which you have planned for your whole day.

2. Drink a glass of lukewarm water

Now, this is another easy yet most effective thing to kick start your new day. Drinking at least one glass of lukewarm water with few drops of lemon into it has a lot of health benefits. It helps to clean your body internally. It clears the intestine to avoid constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain. It stimulates the detoxification process. Release of toxins aids you to get glowing and healthier skin.

3. Exercise

Don’t worry if you don’t have time to take heavy workout sessions. Some simple breathing exercises like Bhastrika Pranayama and Anulom Vilom will be enough. For a full-body stretch, you only need to do Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation) of 2 to 3 sets. You are all set to be fit. Do these simple yet effective yoga asanas to see amazing results.

4. Listen to your favorite playlist

Do you know how listening to your favorite playlist in the morning benefits you? If not then let me tell you an amazing fact. Studies have shown that listening to your favorite songs heals your mind. It works as a stress buster, provides you the relief and ease your mind. If you release your stress you will be going to be more productive for your whole day. Try it once and see visible changes.

5. Say something positive to yourself

For your emotional and mental health, it is another most effective remedy. You must say some positive words to yourself to bring freshness to your day. Few sentences like I am the best, today I will have a great day, I am strong, etc. are best to start your day. Our inner dialogues are as important as our actions to lead a happier life. Communicate these positive sentences to yourself to be productive throughout your day.

6. Do not skip your breakfast

If you skip your morning meal then you are the only one who is responsible to harm your metabolism. Bad metabolism will make you sluggish which may further decrease your productivity level. So, to take your breakfast within two hours of waking up is very much important. A good and breakfast full of nutrition is a great way to start your day. Hence, the next time onwards tries not to skip your precious breakfast.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

So from now onwards when you wake up the next morning try to work upon these tips. These 6 things will bring remarkable change into your morning routine. It will help you to amplify your productivity. Follow these tips to bring a better version of yourself.



Akansha Niranjan

Hello folks ! My name is Akansha Niranjan, I am a Software Engineer by profession and a freelance writer by passion.